Music soul mates

A few new Australian blokes recently moved into the hotel I’m staying at in Bali. We (the upstairs balconly girls as we like to call ourselves) decided from the very first time we heard them talk we were not going to like them. They were loud, Australian and all male, but mostly they were new. We liked the hotel just as it was. Nice and quiet, peaceful and away from all the Australian tourists. So when they arrived, we literally braced ourselves, waiting for the disaster to happen.

That disaster never happend. In fact, they invited us to their house warming “barbie” with free beer in the esky and food cooking away. As a Dutch person, I jump at the word free so I figured hell, why not! As it turned out, one of the blokes works in the music industry and shared my odd taste of music.

I don’t come across a lot of people that appreciate my rather mixed music collection. From Avril Lavigne to Tracy Chapman, Three Days Grace, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Foo Fighters, Ben Howard, Don Diablo, Bob Dylan and Mumford & Sons. It’s all in my Itunes and so much more. I have a passion for the music I love and no particular favourite genre. So to meet someone that actually understood my taste (the deeper meaning, the feeling some songs give you, it was a pretty intense conversation!) was not what I thought I would find here in Bali.

We ended up introducing each other to other bands, musicians and what not. I made him listen to Damien rice and he introduced me to Jeff Buckly. He’s going on a mission today to find some more music for me to listen to and I can’t wait. I don’t have a lot of music knowledge and living in Bali hasn’t expand this either. Until now!

This is just another learning lesson for me, to not judge people by their cover. I had a blast last night and can’t wait to see what he’s come up with.